Monday, May 9, 2005

Wuss part deux

After my last post, I thought things over, and decided to not be such a wuss. What was this girl going to do? Sprout fangs and eat me?
The very next day I ended up in the office again, and this time I decided to get it over with. I said "Hello" as I walked past her. She very curtly snapped "Oh, hi." as she brushed past me.
I started thinking "okay, that wasn't so bad..." as I finished my paperwork. Then another deputy walked in. "Oh, Hi Justin!" she gushed to him. "I'm leaving, but you be careful out there and don't get hurt or anything!" And then it hit me. Her voice was like nails across a blackboard and I had this sudden urge to run for my life. If we took a sample recording of her voice and played it repeatedly through speakers at Iraqi insurgents, they would be begging to surrender, if only to make it stop. It was like a flashback to a combat zone.
Maybe my subconscious instincts were trying desperately to protect me and I mistakenly thought it was fear?

If my wife ends up reading this at some point, thank you dear. Thank you for not having that voice. Thank you for not smothering me in cute pet names, nagging admonishments, and inane babble. Thank you for letting me have freinds. Thank you for knowing when to just let me be an antisocial jerk and be left alone. You truely do not know just how special that can be.

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