Thursday, January 17, 2008

Thank Heaven for Four Wheel Drive

Last night, I found myself to be again thankful that I drive a four wheel drive pickup. It saved me from a half-hour detention in a drive through.
I went to Taco Bell for some food (I know, guilty pleasure), and upon reaching the speaker box the McEmployee told me "Just so you know, there is a half-hour wait." I said "Are you serious?", but got no reply. There were three cars ahead of me, and three behind me. The car at the window was being handed food, so I thought that maybe the McEmployee was just screwing around when she said that. The car at the window got their food, and drove off. I waited for another couple of minutes, and the McEmployee comes back on and said again "Thank you for choosing Taco Bell, just so you know, there is a half-hour wait." I again asked "Are you being serious?" McEmployee said "Yes, sir. I am being totally serious. It is going to be a half hour wait." Then she wouldn't respond anymore. I'm sitting in a drive through which is the kind that locks you in with curbs on both sides, cars in front of me and behind me, and Miss $7.00 an hour McEmployee has just told me that in essence I am going to be detained for a half hour.

Not This cowboy...

Instead of waiting around while Miss McEmployee earns $3.50 (And costs me $15 worth of MY time), I decide that, yes, I have enough ground clearance. I turned my wheels and Taco Bell employees grouped around the drive-up window watched as I drove up over the curb, across the snow covered grass and sidewalk, and out on to the street.

Thank heaven for Four Wheel Drive.

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