Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Way to go, NBC!

I don't watch much television. Aside from catching the news, there are few shows I watch regularly, and none that I deem worthy enough to sit down and watch live except sports.
That being said, this last couple of years has truly sucked. I haven't been watching much football since the college teams I watch have been taken away from me by that brilliant idea of Comcast, called "The Mountain". Essentially, most of the games for teams in the Mountain West Conference are only available if you sell your soul to Comcast. I swore off Comcast years ago, so there goes most of the sports I watch.

But I digress...

The one bright spot I looked forward to, as long as I could find it, was Scrubs. I've been a big Scrubs fan from the first season. But NBC made it difficult, if not impossible to watch because they have never left it in the same spot for even a full season. The only way I've been able to fill in the blanks from the episodes I missed due to schedule changes has been the insane number of re-runs now in syndication, on Comedy Central and the local CW affiliate. I knew that this was going to be the last season, but now it sounds like even that will be denied - with the conclusion of the writers strike, NBC has not yet decided if it is even worth it to put the show back into production long enough to wrap it up.

Thanks for nothing, NBC. I guess that I should be grateful that you have given me one half hour of extra free time each week, but even that would be generous, given that you have done your very best to ensure that no one could ever count on that half hour being at a consistent time on a consistent day.

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