Tuesday, September 15, 2009

I hate you Comcast!

As a very opinionated person, I dislike a lot of things. The key word there is dislike. I hate relatively few things. My one reader will note that I have already declared my public hatred of spiders in this very blog. Other things I hate include: people who drive slower than traffic in the left lane on the freeway, HSBC, telemarketers cold calling at dinnertime, men who don't lift the lid before peeing all over the seat, my neighbor's dogs, door-to-door salesmen who ignore my 'no soliciting' sign and mosquitoes.

Comcast was a long time resident on my hate list because of the horrible, rotten & abominable service we got from them while we were customers and because of "The Mountian" - the abortion of a sports network created by the Mountain West Conference and Comcast for the sole purpose of getting all BYU & Utah football & basketball fans to drop their satellite dishes and come running back to the cold, cold embrace of cable. Those of us who refused found our ability to watch the games we love held hostage to evil corporate overlords, and many of us just didn't watch football for two years.

Comcast came off the list last year more out of apathy than any rational decision. They came to an agreement with DirecTV, and I could once again watch my beloved Cougar Football.

Aaaaannnnd they're back.

Comcast also owns a channel called "Versus". Aside from broadcasting hockey, hunting shows & infomercials, they have contracts to broadcast some pretty major college football games. Including an upcoming game between BYU and Florida State.
Comcast has once again gotten into a disagreement with DirecTV over just how much end customers should be gouged for the privilege of watching shows about Archery Deer Hunting at 3 in the morning, with the predictable result being Versus is no longer available on DirecTV.

Just like that, I am again looking at not being able to see what will probably be the best game of the season, all because of the corporate greed mongers at Comcast. And it is almost worse that eventually Comcast will concede & charge a reasonable price, and Versus will be back, albeit far too late for me to enjoy my game.

I hate you, Comcast!