Friday, August 6, 2010

Even more random things from a Constable

More random occurrences from my part-time work:
- I recently needed to be at the AF Police department at a specific time to serve a woman who was avoiding being served papers from her soon-to-be ex-husband. She had wanted to meet at the police department parking lot to let him take their kids. I made contact with him, and he said that he suspected that she only wanted to have him served with papers from her. After waiting for about 20 minutes she texted him and told him that she was at the Lehi Police department, not American Fork. I followed him over to Lehi, but he drove past while I pulled in behind her and served her. She had told Lehi Police that the soon-to-be-ex drove a 4 door pickup, and so when they saw me, they assumed I was him - until they saw my uniform shirt. She was livid that she had gotten served first. The Lehi officers were trying hard not to laugh at the whole thing. I apologized to them for getting in the way, but they just waved it off. (It doesn't really matter who gets served first, but she was going to great lengths to have him served with her papers while avoiding his...)
- While working in north Eagle Mountain, I came across a man out for a nice evening walk with his wife. Both of them. They were walking holding hands, one wife on each side of him. One of the wives let go when they saw me coming up the street. After making a couple of stops in the neighborhood, I again saw all three of them walking holding hands. The same wife let go as soon as they saw me. North Eagle Mountain still has a fair number of polygamists living there, which shouldn't be surprising since most of the town was polygamists at the time it was incorporated.
- Also while in Eagle Mountain, I got to see more Army Apache helicopter maneuvers in nearby Camp Williams. They often come smoking out low and fast from one of the canyons there, and tonight I was rewarded with seeing one do just that. However, instead of the usual loop out across south Eagle Mountain before coming up and over close to Redwood Road on the way back to Camp Williams in a long loop, the Apache stopped just before getting to SR73 and went directly back the way it came, stopping to hover just at the crest of a hill. Looks like it was practicing using its Longbow radar. I love seeing cool things like that.