Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Into the abyss

We've reached the abyss.
It happens each year, right around this time.

There is absolutely nothing going on in the sports world that I care about, even a little bit.

I don't consider myself to be a big sports nut. I love football (both college and pro), & I love pro basketball. Not enough to watch for hours and hours each week, but I keep up on standings & catch a game (or at least part of a game) each week.
This, along with the steady stream of news stories accompanying all of the above, keeps me reading Sports Illustrated 8 months out of the year.

But from the time that the NBA finals finish in the middle of June until the first college football games in August, it seems like there is NOTHING at all sports related to be interested in. Sure, the NBA draft can once in a great while be almost interesting to get hyped up about, but that didn't happen this year.

I am fully aware that baseball and NASCAR fans are probably outraged that I wouldn't consider their sports worthy of attention, but I mean 4-5 hours of watching baseball for just a small handful of hits, of actual excitement? I just can't get into a sport that takes a break to stretch 2/3 of the way through the game. And NASCAR? Please, I see 100 or so rednecks trying to ram each other off the road each day, but I call it 'Driving in I-15 traffic'.


  1. I can understand not wanting to watch baseball on television for a whole game, but I love going to them. You should check out an Orem "Spelling Stuff with a Z Instead of an S Makes Us Edgy" Owlz game sometime. They're shorter than pro games for some reason, more exciting/entertaining to watch than pro games because of all the fielding errors, and they feature a nice, community-based crowd.

    Try one out. It might put a few drops into the abyss.

  2. I've been meaning to take the boys to an Owlz game. Despite the stupid spelling.

    I still might, even though football season is coming up. With my ability to watch BYU football on TV still taken away from me by the MWC and Comcast, I'll probably be looking for something to fill the void.
