Monday, February 28, 2005

People Change

A few nights ago, I was working my part-time job as a constable. I went to this one house, and in speaking to the woman who resided there, I found that I was actually trying to reach her in-laws. (They had apparently registered their car at her address) I was asking questions about how to reach her in-laws whe she stopped me and asked "Don't I know you?"
I get that question about 10 times a day, and usually its because at some time in the past I have either served them some court paper or arrested them. These people are not usually ones that I want to have a conversation with, so I answered with the usual "No." She persisted, asking my name, which I gave to her. (Nevermind that its on the photo ID hanging around my neck...) She asked "Did you grow up in Provo?" Only about 150,000 people in Provo, no worries yet... "Did you work at Ream's in high school?" Okay, now my mind is racing. This woman knows me, but I don't know her, which is a situation I find uncomfortable... and then it hits me.
When I worked at Ream's grocery store back in high school, I had worked with this girl. A few of my freinds were interested in her, and as such, she had become the topic of more than a few conversations. While she had a very pretty face, she had other features that could only be described as spectacular. Two of them to be exact. They weren't oversized or anything, they were accurately described as 'perky'. So thats how we referred to her in our conversations. "Did you get a look at Perky today? She looks good tonight!" "Hey, are you going to finally ask Perky out?" Now that I've identified her, I exclaim excitedly "Oh! You're Per... You worked at the camera bar, right?" She was excited that I remembered her, and in the midst of her asking questions about how I'm doing and how I've been for the last 10 years or so, she somehow misses the fact that I am trying not to wince from the pain I am feeling for biting my tongue so hard. Seems she's gotten married, had a few kids, and had just a typical life so far.

And no, they aren't perky anymore...

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