Thursday, November 10, 2005


My adventures in blogging have spawned new depths of stupidity.
See, I shared this blog with two of my co-workers. For the sake of anonymity, lets call them Matt and Kyle.
Matt started a blog, and the only things I can fault with it are the fact that he calls me a Rat Bastard, and he copied the same template that I use. Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, so I really didn't throw too big of a fuss. He has some fairly funny stuff out there. Much better than the crap that I spew out.
Kyle saw that everyone else had a blog, and decided on one of his own. Not only did he post the best picture of himself that he could find, he also decided to link back to me. At least the link says it links back to me. Instead he linked to his favorite gay website.
All I can say is "Thanks."

Kyle has wisely seen the error of his ways, and changed the link on his blog. In fact he has deleted the link entirely.

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