Friday, June 30, 2006

A Place Where Cell Phones Don't Belong

Among the many perils of cell phones being ubiquitous is the ability for completely clueless people to use them in a place where they have no business. The one place where people use them which makes my skin crawl is in the bathroom/locker room. I don't care who you are talking to, I don't care how important it is, YOU AREN'T THAT IMPORTANT! If you were really that important, you would be talking to the person face to face. You would have been driven to the meeting in your limo, or the person on the other end would have been brought to you. But it's not that important, is it? You could have stood outside the door while you finished your conversation about sales figures, or you could have told your employee that you would have to get back to them in a few minutes.

But you didn't. You instead took your conversation, on speakerphone even, into a locker room filled with sweaty, ugly, naked hairy men & walked around like you were a King. Who cares if the people on the other end of the call hear that old fat guy grunting from the toilet around the corner. You are important!

I've decided that from now on, whenever I encounter this sort of thing, I'm going to simulate the most awful 'bathroom noise' accompanied by a near-screaming grunt. That should be pleasant for Mr. Important.

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