Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Goodbye, facial hair

   I've never worn much in the way of facial hair. Usually whatever I've grown itches too much after just a couple of weeks, and I end up shaving it. Not to mention that for the last 5 years I've had church callings which mandated a clean shaven face. So until recently the most growth I've had has been 2 weeks.

   Last year I started a new job working for Intermountain Healthcare & GE Healthcare. On my fourth day there, they celebrated the 2nd annual Mustache Appreciation Day. They took it so seriously that one woman actually used some of her own hair which she had cut to make a mustache. I felt totally naked. I resolved to have a proper mustache for the next one.

  I started growing my goatee in the first part of December. I thought that two months would be more than enough time to grow a bushy mustache, although I refused to wear it as a mustache until the day of the contest at work. I chose to wear it as a goatee instead, with the idea of shaving it into a mustache on the day of the competition.
  The person making the biggest sacrifice has been my sweetheart. She hates facial hair. However, she is so sweet that she has put up with it for almost two months.

  Just yesterday, the gentleman responsible for the contest came to inform us that it was being canceled due to lack of participation. The day is only a week away, and there were only about 5 of us left that had not shaved clean. As such, I resolved to shave as soon as possible. I am more than tired of stray hairs making it into my mouth or worse, tickling my nose. Best of all, my hot wife will now kiss me again!

  So watch out world - my ugly mug is now laid bare again:


  1. hahahahahahaha nice ted! JERKS that they cancelled the contest. I am sure you could have won! I think you should have shaved the mustache anyway so we could have seen what you looked like. I myself am not a fan of them I think they should be reserved for pedophiles:)

  2. Ted:
    You are now cuter than ever with your hairless face! I love you! XOXO
