Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Netflix Customer Service Sucks

Have you ever tried to contact Netflix?
I hadn't before tonight, but I found a very frustrating experience awaited me.
Apparently quite some time ago, Netflix eliminated any way to e-mail them, and have only their 1-800 number to contact them about anything.
I just now wanted to contact support to file a request/complaint about the parental controls. If you haven't needed or wanted to use them, you haven't missed out. There is only a simple selection that is "R or below", "PG-13 or below", etc...

My initial problem is that even though I accept full responsibility as a parent for what my children watch, there are so many things on Netflix that appear to be a kids show but really aren't that visitors/babysitters can be confused. X-Men is a kids cartoon, but it can also be a Mature Audience/Adults Only cartoon. Imagine my kids surprise when the ask if they can watch an X-Men cartoon they found on Netflix, only to find themselves staring at very adult content that has no business being in front of children.

After researching and finding that Netflix will only accept phone calls, I called in to register my complaint. After holding for 7 minutes, I get on the phone with "Daniel", and explain my problem. I ended with the statement "It's a large enough concern to me that I am re-evaluating my membership and am considering closing my account."

Daniel responded "Can I get the name on the account?" I give him my name, and he says "okay, I have your account right here and am going to close it for you now."


I told Daniel that I hadn't intended to actually close my account at this time, but that I was evaluating that option as a solution to my problem. He didn't care, he just wanted to get me off the phone, and if he had to close my account to do it, that was just fine with him.

So in the end, I didn't close my account, but I am even now seriously considering it. With all the garbage the kids can see even in the preview windows (look at some of the porn available under categories like "Drama", "Thrillers", and "Foreign" for examples), it just became that much harder to keep the filth out of your home. I have to decide if the benefit is worth the negatives of having it.

Once again, it is up to parents to monitor what is being displayed in their homes, no dispute. However, companies like Netflix could make this job a little easier, but they don't care and are more than willing to close your account if you complain about it.

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