Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Back from vacation!

I just got back from a week long cruise to Mexico. I’ll probably put up some pictures later, but here is the short version of my trip.

Short List of Things I learned in Mexico:
- “Drive it like you stole it” is more than just a punk catchphrase – it is a way of life for these people. There are only two positions for the gas pedal: up and down.
- The price is always negotiable.
- The beaches in Cabo San Lucas are not comprised of sand – they are very fine gravel which makes for clear water, but it sucks to walk on barefoot.
- Even in the most barren looking village, you can still find two things: Coke and Vendors selling touristy crap.
- Traffic signals, lane markings, traffic signs and turn signals are all just for decoration. The only thing that matters is that you roll down the window, look back, and wave your arm at someone just before you cut them off.
- Cobblestone streets are quaint – and also very rough.
- Wal-Mart is everywhere.
- So is Costco.

Short List of Things I learned on the Cruise Ship:
- Cops will recognize each other no matter where they are.
- Check to be sure that there is not a gathering of “Hogs on the High Seas” going on your cruise unless you want to see A LOT of skin you’d rather not be seeing.
- Bikers will recognize cops, and cops will recognize bikers, no matter where they are.
- Simon Cowell’s insults of “that was a cruise ship performance” are much meaner than I thought.
- Cannonballs are not allowed in the indoor pool.
- Especially if you are the second one.
- You aren’t supposed to take your pocketknife through the security checkpoints, but the ship’s first officer will only give you a warning if he thinks you are a cop, especially if 1100 of the ships 2100 passengers are intoxicated bikers.

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