Thursday, March 25, 2010

Yet another new job

I hate changing jobs. This one simple thing kept me at a small company who was seriously underpaying me for 7 years. I've even worked the same part time job for the last 11 ½ years. However, the software engineering field has shifted away from direct hiring, mostly doing hiring through a 'contract to hire' - typically 6 months to a year. This gives the company a chance to see if they like you before they commit to all the resources of hiring you as a full time employee, although with the added expense of paying a premium to the contracting agency. (Typically around 20% or more...) Sometimes this means that you will move around frequently.

At IHC/GE Healthcare, they had decided to no longer routinely convert contractors to regular employees, instead keeping a larger number of contractors so that they can quickly reduce the numbers in the workplace without being bothered by things like severance & unemployment claims. This coupled with some large organizational changes I didn't care for & feeling just a little unappreciated pushed me to make a move.

A few days ago, I started working for the LDS Church. It is a very cool environment to work in if you are LDS, which I happen to be. (This is a very facetious thing to say, since you have to be a member in good standing to work for the church.)
I'm excited about the job. The workplace environment is fantastic, the facilities are very modern, and the projects are exciting. It is a little weird at first to be at work & hear people start talking about conference talks, scriptures, & saying prayers during meetings. But it's something which seems very natural after just a short while.

The only drawback is that I'm having to re-learn how not to swear. I've regressed significantly in the 6 months since I was released as a counselor in our Bishopric. ☺


  1. That's why I would never be called to a Bishopric. :) I'm glad you're liking the new job!

  2. ted you crack me up. Some words that I find myself using are as follows:
    For the love of pete!
    I am sure i could come up with a few more. I am happy for your new job:)

  3. Congratulations on the new job jefe. While it does seem weird to hear about praying before meetings at work I gotta admit that I'm pretty excited for the change in thinking and attitude. While I'm not so worried about the swearing (being home for the last few weeks has really helped to curb that) I am worried about the one off comments that just seem to happen before I can stop them. See you in a week!
