Wednesday, May 5, 2010

More random things from work

Last night while working, I went to a house looking for a dirtbag we'll call 'Dirtbag Stan'. The man who answered the door said "I bought this house 3½ years ago from his landlord. I don't know him, but if you step inside for a few minutes I think I can help you find him." After I went inside, the man explained that he is a sales manager for a used car dealership in the area. Just a few days ago, he was reviewing the loan applications from the prior day and noticed his own address on one application. Turns out that the applicant in question is Dirtbag Stan. The homeowner said he had the salesman call Dirtbag Stan back to ask about the address. Dirtbag Stan insisted that he owned the house right up until the salesman pointed out that his manager in fact owned the house in question. Then Dirtbag Stan pulls out some story about how he had moved to Idaho, and was in the process of moving back, and thought that the dealership would want a local address to use. Dirtbag Stan then provided the Idaho address. The homeowner has had police at his house looking for Dirtbag Stan before, and thought it might not be a bad idea to keep the new address (and phone number!) on hand for when others came looking for Dirtbag Stan.

- Moral of the story: Kids, if you are going to falsify your loan application, make sure to not use the home address of someone you are trying to get a loan from.

Also while working, I had to serve divorce papers on a man who was still living in the same house as his soon-to-be ex wife. Not only that, but he didn't know it was coming, and she had alleged that in a prior attempt to leave him, he became violent with her. When I went to the house, I could tell that he had a bad temper by the way he talked to his kids. I put him on the spot as I was serving him, asking him point blank if he planned to do anything violent. I warned him against doing anything foolish, and advised him to leave the house if he felt he couldn't control his anger. This is not the first time I've been in this situation, and I gotta say that I am amazed that so many people will put themselves in such a dangerous situation by staying in a home like that.

- Moral of the story: Kids, if you are going to divorce your abusive spouse, find a different place to stay for a few weeks until you can get a judge to make him/her move out.

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