Monday, October 11, 2010

Music instead of the Spoken Word

Yesterday I had the opportunity to hear the most unique 'talk' I've ever heard at church. As is the norm in the LDS Church, members were given an assignment to speak to our congregation on a spiritual subject, in this case it was on reverence and how it invites the spirit into our meetings.
One of the speakers yesterday is a musician, and decided to 'speak' through his clarinet. He played the first verse of a number of hymns, and while he played he displayed the hymn number and some scriptural references on large signs he placed on either side of the podium. Within a few minutes of starting, he had the whole congregation flipping through their hymn books and scriptures keeping up with the message. Despite the rapid page turning, our usually rowdy congregation was so quiet you could have heard a pin drop between his songs.
It was a very beautiful and definitely interesting talk, one like I've never heard before and likely won't again.
Thanks, D.B.!

1 comment:

  1. Supposedly one of the "early brethren" once said, "We need better music and more of it; and we need better speaking and less of it". I agree :o)
