Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Winter Blues redux

Last year I wrote about having the winter blues. Even though I just spent a couple of weeks in warm weather and sunshine in California, I am very much feeling the winter blues right now.

Could use a little sunshine in my life right now. I hate to even complain because as down as I am, I know so many others in worse shape. Even still, I'm not feeling very grateful for the blessings I have right now and hope I can become so soon.

Where are you, spring?


  1. I hear ya my friend!!! NOT doing well this winter. I am going to try the tanning bed and see if I can trick my body into thinking it is summer. Wanna come??
    Hang in there! Summer will eventually come:)

  2. Thanks for the offer Pam, but I think that if I dared show this out of shape body to a tanning bed, all the bulbs would break out of fright! ;)
