Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Pins and Needles

Yesterday, my bosses called a 'team meeting' to let us know about upcoming layoffs. We've had a couple of rounds of layoffs at my company in the last few months, but in those rounds the programming department was spared. Apparently that is not the case this time around. So the told us that there would be layoffs from our department, but not how many, nor how soon.

There are only 11 of us, so any layoff is significant. No one feels safe. And now the HR director is in the building, meeting with the division VP.

It is so stressful that I find myself wanting to just gather my things and leave. It wouldn't be all that bad to work full time for the Constable's Office for a while, certainly better than this...

UPDATE: It's now 10 minutes after 5pm, and it seems like they're done for the day. So far, I've heard of 8 people from our division being let go, including one from my department, but I've also heard that they're letting go 24 people in our division, which means that there are 16 more to go. I don't know if I can handle another day like this one.
All this secrecy is bullshit. The rumors and misconceptions that run amok during a time like this have decimated any remaining morale. There's work to be done, deadlines to meet, but no one can concentrate enough to get anything done.
I'm inching closer and closer to just packing my crap and leaving...

1 comment:

  1. Ted:

    Hang in there! Our family loves you so much, and we know that whatever happens will be for the best. We will get through it together.
