Thursday, February 19, 2009

Two remotes are better than one

From what I understand, one major flashpoint in some marriages is the television remote control.
My wife and I have never really had any fights over it, but I can imagine some people getting worked up over it. Since we almost exclusively watch things we have recorded on our TiVo, our only conflict with it occurs when the person who has the remote in their hand when a commercial break forgets to fast forward in a timely manner.

We inadvertently found a solution to this problem.

We've had our TiVo for almost 4 years, and have had the same remote all this time.
Lately, it has developed a problem where when you press the power button, it sends the command twice; if you wanted to turn the TV on, it will do so, then immediately turn it back off. If you want to turn the TV off, the inverse happens.

I ordered a new remote from TiVo, but some of the buttons have just a bit different functionality, and so the old remote ended up laying around instead of being tossed in the garbage bin.

And then it happened - one night, while watching a show, Amy had the new remote in her hand, and had forgotten to start fast forwarding the commercials. I grabbed the old remote off our end table and began to fast forward myself. Amy jumped, realizing that she had the remote in her hand, and yet the TV had begun fast forwarding seemingly on its own. Then she realized I had the old remote, and we have had television watching bliss ever since. (Except when I am watching "How its Made" or "Mythbusters". She hates those shows...)

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Inaccessable :(

While I am very happy to have a new job, and I like what I'm doing and the people I work with, I am somewhat less thrilled with one of GE's policies: I can no longer access personal e-mail and chat at work.

My New York JP Morgan colleagues can sympathize, because they are in the same situation, at least with e-mail. GMail is totally blocked, as are the other webmail services.

Since I don't have GE e-mail access yet, it looks like if you want to reach me during the day, you will have to call me. I still check

I hope to have other options available next week.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

The New Job

You are now reading the blog of a Test Engineer for GE Healthcare & Intermountain Healthcare.
I accepted a position with GE/IHC today, and tomorrow morning I will be working directly at the new IHC Medical Center in Murray. This is fantastic news, but it has been very stressful for me because I had already accepted a job offer from Sorenson Communications and was scheduled to start work for them on Monday.

So I've just had to make a couple of tough phone calls, to my recruiter at ConsultNet who got me the job with Sorenson (and did a fantastic job of getting me a job quickly), and then to the manager at Sorenson who had hired me. But I couldn't turn down a job offer for 20% more pay than I would be making at Sorenson.

Thus ends Ted's whiney job search saga.

I now return you to your regularly scheduled mindless drivel...

Friday, February 6, 2009

Job updates soon

Since being laid of on January 8th, I feel like I have been working three times as much. I've been working nearly full time trying to find a new job, dealing with 4 different recruiters and having 8 job interviews. This is on top of working nearly full time hours for Utah County, and taking care of Henry during the day so he only goes to daycare part time.
This is all on top of my being newly called as the Ward Clerk in our ward, and having to take care of all the year end stuff for my ward by myself. (I was already the financial clerk, and had a ton of stuff to do - the additional stuff for Membership just about swamped me...)

At any rate, I am still working on things that I can't put out in the public yet, but suffice it to say that I should be employed by someone very soon, and I will probably get a raise out of it.

Good luck to me!