Friday, February 6, 2009

Job updates soon

Since being laid of on January 8th, I feel like I have been working three times as much. I've been working nearly full time trying to find a new job, dealing with 4 different recruiters and having 8 job interviews. This is on top of working nearly full time hours for Utah County, and taking care of Henry during the day so he only goes to daycare part time.
This is all on top of my being newly called as the Ward Clerk in our ward, and having to take care of all the year end stuff for my ward by myself. (I was already the financial clerk, and had a ton of stuff to do - the additional stuff for Membership just about swamped me...)

At any rate, I am still working on things that I can't put out in the public yet, but suffice it to say that I should be employed by someone very soon, and I will probably get a raise out of it.

Good luck to me!

1 comment:

  1. Ted: You are my hero! I always knew you were a wanted man, and I will gladly share you with a good company. Thanks for all you've done for our family! I love you!
